Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I decided to visit my blog for the first time in a long time......apparently a very long time.  My last post was in 2009 and it is now 2011...well almost 2012 really.  I guess I've never been one to stick to something very long.  Not much has changed in two years.  I live in Kentucky now, I'm employed full-time and enjoy my job usually.  I'm thankful to be working.  Ok that about does it for me right now.  Off to bed before I fall asleep sitting here.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I've been M.I.A. for a while. I've been busy and just haven't really felt any urge to post anything on here. Maybe because I haven't had anything exciting to talk about. Here's some recent pictures!
Can you say "big damn tires???"

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Missing my baby!

I'm missing my furry kid! LOL....

The Drive Home

I drove from my home in Indiana to mom and dad's in Kentucky today and took a few pictures to document my trip home....

More construction...
Bathroom break time!
Back on the road and the barrels are off the road woohoo!! Cruising now!!
View from the sunroof, what a nice day it was!
Yay more construction for the next 14 miles....can't you just hear the joy in my voice?
Woot! Construction pain coming to an end! There's my exit!
Good-bye interstate!.....Wait....good-bye 80 MPH :-(
Patton Museum! Good times!
Guess what I'm close to?????
That's right....Gold Vault BABY!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

These are the pretty flowers that my dad bought me for Mothers Day! He's so thoughtful :-) My children on the other hand informed me that they are not my servants (I had only asked them to help me carry out our bags to the car). Happy Mothers Day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

2 Tablespoons

My mom had a stroke last year and I know that can affect a person's personality. Sometimes I have to wonder if it's the stroke talking or truly mom's personality coming thru. For example: we were in Krogers a few weeks ago buying groceries for a cookout and a birthday party. When we get to the ice cream section I grab a container of the Kroger brand and mom proceeds to tell me "that's not the right one". Well mom this is the smallest size they have.....and she tells me she wants the half gallon container of vanilla. She is looking for the rectangle containers and I tell her that they don't have those anymore because they have redesigned the package. I guess this really bothers mom because she proceeds to tell me in a rather loud voice that they are charging the same price but you get 2 TABLESPOONS LESS ICE CREAM. The guy passing close to us starts laughing. Gotta love mom and her 2 tablespoons.